Congrats ya mas Panji, semoga sakinah mawaddah warahmah. Diberikan kebahagian & keberkahan dunia akhirat serta diberikan keturunan soleh & solehah, Aamiin. Mohon maaf ga bisa hadir karena ada keperluan lain🙏
Welcome to our wedding website! We are thrilled to have you join us on this incredible journey. As we celebrate our love and commitment on September 14, 2024, we wanted to share all the important details with you. Your presence means the world to us, and we can’t wait to celebrate our love and commitment together. Thank you for being a part of our special day—we look forward to seeing you there!
Our wedding ceremony on September 14th, 2024, will be held at Gedung PGRI Rangkasbitung. The ceremony will begin at 09:00 AM WIB sharp. This ceremony is very special for us, so please ensure you are there on time to witness this procession.
After the ceremony, please join us for a relaxed and joyful reception at the same location from 11:00 to 14:00. There will be good food, great music, and wonderful company. Let’s celebrate together!
How we met…
Our story began on August 14th, 2020, when we first connected on a digital platform. From our initial messages, sparks build up, leading us to meet in person on December 26th, 2020. From that moment we met, we discovered something truly special between us. Our shared interests, laughter, and deep conversations quickly turned into a beautiful relationship, bringing us to this joyous moment.
Over the years, we have shared countless adventures, supported each other through challenges, and grown together in love. Each day, our bond has become stronger, and we are excited to start this new chapter as husband and wife.
Please let us know if you’ll be joining us by filling out the RSVP form. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us at our IG @daniamaulid / @panjisuryo.co or +62 856 0005 6331
Congrats ya mas Panji, semoga sakinah mawaddah warahmah. Diberikan kebahagian & keberkahan dunia akhirat serta diberikan keturunan soleh & solehah, Aamiin. Mohon maaf ga bisa hadir karena ada keperluan lain🙏
Selamat menempuh hidup baru brother. Semoga menjadi keluarga sakinah, mawadah, warrohmah ya sama Dania. Semoga cepat dikaruniai momongan dan dengan ini, hidup jadi makin sukses ya. Aamiin.. Happy wedding brooo Aqid, Amanda, & Aqifa
masyaAllah tabarakallah selamat ya dania & calon suami🤍 lancar sampai hari H . Selamat menjalankan ibadah terpanjang, semoga menjadi keluarga yang samawa , bahagia dunia akhirat ,diberi keturunan yang Sholeh/Sholeha Aamiin
D lancarkan sampai hari H dan smoga mnjdi klrga yg samawa. Aamiin
Barakallah dania & calon suami, semoga lancar sampai hari H nya, berkah bahagia menyertai perjalanan kalian
Yashh, finallyyy ma bro & calon istrii, lancar lancar sampe hari H 💗💌
We are also accepting contributions towards our honeymoon and future home. If you prefer, you can contribute here. Thank you for your love and support.
Account Number : 5420979497
Account Number : 1490498466
For those of you who want to send gifts, you can send them to the following address,
We both agree with the legend that says, “You will still never be good enough for the wrong person, but at your worst you will still be good enough and worth it for the right person”